Barlynaland spawn location is moved when major terrain generation changes occur. We call these ages.
Age of Beginning
- lasted from January 2014 to Jan 2018, from versions 1.7 to 1.12.2
At the end of the age, this world was archived.
Age of Byblos
- lasted from Jan 2018 to Nov 2021 from versions 1.13 snapshot to 1.17.1
After starting from scratch with snapshots, we had to start from scratch again when 1.13 finally released.
Age of Betwixt
- is the current age and started Nov 2021 in Minecraft 1.18
Spawn was moved north 16384 blocks of 0, 0
and a new age began. This also marks the age in which the Age of Beginning was brought back from the archives and permanently merged back in the world, located 32768 blocks north of 0, 0